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Hip Pain Relief: Natural Remedies and Medical Interventions

Chronic hip pain affects millions of Americans. The causes are nearly as diverse as the affected populations, with the most common being:

  • Temporary musculoskeletal issues like hip sprains and muscle strains
  • Osteoarthritis (arthritis related to advancing age, which commonly affects large joints like the hip joint and knee joint)
  • Bursitis (a type of joint inflammation)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis caused by an autoimmune disorder)
  • Pinched nerve
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hernia
  • Synovitis, a type of inflammation of the joint cavities
  • Other bone disorders, including bone cancer

As you might imagine, the treatment plan for hip pain depends to a great extent on its underlying cause and prognosis. Let’s review the options for which there’s currently the most evidence, ranging in rough order from least to most invasive.

Natural & Home Remedies to Reduce Hip Pain

You can try these hip pain remedies at home with little or no medical supervision.

Stretching and Exercise

Stretching is good for your body! So is regular moderate exercise, such as brisk walking. If you’re recovering from an injury or the underlying cause of your hip pain stems from a chronic medical condition, talk to your doctor about a modified exercise plan. 

Giving It a Rest

Rest can help reduce pain in the major joints. It’s especially helpful if your hip pain stems from an overuse injury that’s expected to heal on its own in time.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

For mild to moderate hip pain, many physicians recommend anti-inflammatory pain relievers, and specifically nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen. These drugs help reduce swelling and related pain with relatively few side effects, though they’re not recommended for heavy use over long periods of time.

Applying Heat and Cold

Applying ice packs and/or heating pads can help counter pain as well. When using a heating pad, always follow safe use instructions to avoid electrical shock, burn, or fire risks.

Medical Interventions to Relieve Hip Pain

Talk to your pain management specialist or osteopath about these medical interventions for chronic hip pain. They may be more effective in treating serious pain related to underlying medical conditions, but they have more risks too.

Prescription Medications

Corticosteroids and other prescription medications may offer temporary but highly effective relief beyond what OTC pain medications can manage. Oral corticosteroids have significant side effects, including depressed immune system. Many providers recommend local injections as an alternative.

Physical Therapy

Hydrotherapy is particularly effective for hip pain. Talk to your physical therapist about your options; treatment is often tailored to the specific patient’s needs.

Noninvasive Medical Devices

You might have a crutch or cane lying around the house. If not, your provider can size you up for one. These simple devices take weight off your joints and let your body heal naturally.

Hip Injections

Joint injections like Synvisc-ONE can actually replace lost joint fluid also known as synovial fluid. This reduces friction on the cartilage and other soft tissues that keep you moving. 

Case studies suggest these injections are effective for significantly longer periods of time than corticosteroids. But for safety’s sake, they should always be administered by a provider with comprehensive joint injection training.